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Bangladesh lodges protest against Amit Shah’s remarks on ‘infiltrators’

The Bangladesh government on Monday lodged a protest against Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s recent remarks in Jharkhnad concerning Bangladeshi nationals, calling the comments “highly deplorable”.
Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs handed over the protest note to India’s Deputy High Commissioner in Dhaka, expressing its “serious reservations, deep hurt, and extreme displeasure”.
During his visit to Jharkhand last week, Amit Shah said the BJP “will hang every Bangladeshi infiltrator upside down to give them a lesson”, if people elect the party to power in Jharkhand.
The Bangladesh government urged New Delhi to caution its political leaders against making such “objectionable and unacceptable” statements, according to the Dhaka Tribune.
“The Ministry conveyed its serious reservation, deep sense of hurt and extreme displeasure and called upon the Government of India to advise the political leaders to refrain from making such objectionable and unacceptable remarks,” the protest note said.
“The ministry also emphasised that such remarks, coming from responsible positions against the nationals of a neighbouring country, undermine the spirit of mutual respect and understanding between two friendly countries,” it added.
